Rhythmic partitioning assistant


Rhythmic partitioning assistant is a tool to support the analysis of rhythmic partitions data of texture (see further information about this topic at Theory overview section and Gentil-Nunes 2009).

This tool allows the user to view data from works in the Zarlino library and RP Scripts files provided by the user. This data is generated by the RP Scriptsopen in new window software from digital files (XML, KRN or MID).


File selection

Field for selecting pieces from the Zarlino library.

File upload

Field for uploading users' pieces. The files must be created by RP Scripts.

Output board

When a file is loaded, the output board shows its main data:

  • File name
  • Source (if loaded file)
  • Number of measures
  • Number of partitioning events
  • Number of unique partitions
  • Maximum number of parts
  • Maximum density-number value


The partitiogram and indexogram charts tooltips' contain common data:

  • Partition
  • Agglomeration index
  • Dispersion index
  • Density-number
  • Number of parts

The indexogram chart's tooltip also contains location data:

  • Location measure number + offset from the measure beginning
  • Measure number
  • Offset from the measure beginning (in quarter tones)
  • Global offset: the offset from the piece beginning (also in quarter tones)


  1. Berry, Wallace. 1987. Structural Functions in Music. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. Available at https://archive.org/details/structuralfuncti0000berropen in new window.
  2. Gentil-Nunes, Pauxy. 2009a. "Análise Particional: uma Mediação entre Composição Musical e a Teoria das Partições." Ph.D. Dissertation, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Available at http://www.repositorio-bc.unirio.br:8080/xmlui/handle/unirio/11465open in new window.
  3. Gentil-Nunes, Pauxy. 2020. "PARSEMAT: Parseme Toolbox Software Package V. 0.8 Beta." Available at https://pauxy.net/parsemat-v-0-8-beta/open in new window. Accessed on Aug.16, 2022.
  4. Moreira, Daniel. 2015. "Perspectivas Para a análise Textural a Partir da Mediação entre a Teoria dos Contornos e a Análise Particional." Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
  5. Sampaio, Marcos da Silva and Pauxy Gentil-Nunes. RP Scripts: Rhythmic Partitioning Scripts, release 2.2. Available at https://github.com/msampaio/rpScriptsopen in new window. Accessed on Feb 15, 2024, 2024.
  6. Sampaio, Marcos da Silva, and Pauxy Gentil-Nunes. 2022. "Python Scripts for Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis." MusMat - Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics 6 (2): 17-55. https://musmat.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/02-Sampaio-Gentil-Nunes-V6N2_2022.pdfopen in new window.
  7. Sampaio, Marcos da Silva, Pauxy Gentil-Nunes, Sidnei Marques de Oliveira, Vicente Sanches de Oliveira, Jaderson Cardona de Oliveira. 2022. "New Visual Tools for Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis of Musical Texture." Musica Theorica 7 (2). https://revistamusicatheorica.tema.mus.br/index.php/musica-theorica/article/view/240/open in new window.


  • Pauxy Gentil-Nunes